2025The 3R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Management
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Linking diverse actors: 3RINCs is a great opportunity to develop professional network of actors involved throughout the cycle of waste management. Product designers, suppliers, plant manufacturers, consultants, governmental bodies, NGOs and academics worldwide will gather to exchange knowledge and ideas.
The Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (JSMCWM) was originally established in March 1990.
The main mission of the Society is to contribute to better solutions to solid waste management that faces always-new issues and problems, through providing its members with opportunities for exchanging findings, experience, and expertise. JSMCWM has currently over 4,000 members that comprise of individual members, corporate members, local governments/municipalities and non-profit organizations. JSMCWM is internationally open and extends invitation to experts world-wide to join the Society.
We work forward improving research activities and contribution to society.